Success Stories
- Publication
- News Letter
- On farm Trials
- Front Line Demonstration
- Major Farming System
- Priority Thrust Area
- Other Extension Activities
- Success Stories
- Success stories of KVK from ICAR-ATARI (Zone-III)
- Proforma Annual Report for the Year 2021
- Proforma Annual Report for the Year 2019-2020
- Proforma Annual Report for the Year 2018-2019
- Proforma Annual Report for the Year 2015-2016
Related Links
- Meghalaya Agriculture Portal
- ICAR Zone III Portal
- Indian Council of Agriculture Research
- Meghalaya Marketing Portal
- Meghalaya Portal
- KVK Ribhoi
- KVK West Khasi Hills
- KVK West Garo Hills
Last Updated on 11-02-2020
About Us
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is an innovative institution with a multidisciplinary team of subject matter specialist for taking up various frontline programmes in agricultural and allied sectors including on farm testing to identify the location specificity of technology. Frontline demonstration to establish its production potentials on the farmers fields, training of the farmers to update their knowledge and skills, and training of extension personel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development. Each KVK has a provision of an instructional farm to be developed in such a way that it is educational as well as profitable. The instructional farm helps in conducting the training programmes by following the principles of "Teaching by Doing" and "Learning by Doing".
KVK's provide not only in agriculture and allied vocations but also in other income generating activities that may suplement the income of farm families. The methods employed in training could be formal and non-formal or a combination of both , depending upon the needs but emphasis remains to be on work-experiance, as suggested by Mohan Singh Metha Committee Report that "the programme should be operated as a plan of continuing education both in the technical and in the general sense".
District Profile

How To Reach
- Location:Fifth Mile, Upper Shillong
- Distance from Head Department:10Km
- Distance from main city:10Km
- Land mark:State Biological Control Laboratory
- Population:824059
- Total Area:2748 Sq.Km
- Population density:292 Per Sq.Km
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